Safeguard From Virus

Wear a Mask

All people two years of age and older should wear masks in public.

  • Masks should be worn in addition to maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet, especially if you are with people who do not live with you.
  • Condition one member of your every day is infected, the rest of the members of your household should take precautions, such as the use of masks, to avoid transmitting the Virus to others.
  • Wash your hands or use a hand sanitiser before putting on the mask.
  • Wear the mask so that it covers your nose and mouth, and secure it under your chin.
  • Fitting the mask beside the sides of your face with the straps overdue your ears, or tie the ties behind your head.
  • If the mask has to be adjusted constantly, it does not fit correctly, and you may need to look for another type or brand of the mask.
  • You should be able to breathe easily.

Safeguard From Virus, As of February 2, 2021,  the use of masks is mandatory on airplanes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation arriving or departing from the United States and circulating within the country and in transportation hubs in the United States. Such as airports and stations.

Keep a detachment of 6 feet after others

  • Exclusive your home:  Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

If possible, keep a distance of 6 feet between the sick person and other members of your household.

  • Outside your home:  Keep 6 feet away from people who do not live in your home.

Remember that some people who do not have symptoms can spread the Virus.

Keep a distance of at minimum 6 feet (about two arms outstretched) from other people. Safeguard From Virus

Keeping your distance from others is especially important for people at higher risk of becoming seriously ill.

Get Vaccinated

  • Licensed COVID-19 vaccines can help protect you from COVID-19.
  • It would be best if you got the COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to you.
  • After completing the vaccination, you can resume some of the activities you stopped doing because of the pandemic.

Avoid large Crowds and Poorly Ventilated Spaces

  • Being in crowded spaces like restaurants, bars, gyms, or movie theatres increases your risk of viruses, COVID-19.
  • If possible, avoid closed spaces where there is no circulation of fresh air from outside.
  • If possible, the uncertainty you are indoors opens doors and windows to let in the fresh air.

Wash your hands Frequently

Safeguard From Virus, Wash down your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you’ve been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

You must Wash:

  • Before eating or preparing food
  • Before touching your face.
  • If soap and water are not obtainable,  use a hand sanitizer containing 60% alcohol. Cover the entire surface of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth without first washing your hands.

Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing

  • If you have a mask on: You can cough or sneeze into your mask. Put on a new, clean show as soon as possible and wash your hands.
  • If you are not wearing a mask :

Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.

Throw away used tissues in the trash.

  • Safeguard From Virus

Clean and Disinfect

  • Clean high-touch surfaces daily. It includes tables, door handles, light switches, countertops, railings, desks, telephones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, and dishwashers.
  • If someone is sick or has a positive COVID-19 test result, disinfect frequently touched surfaces.  Use a household disinfectant product from  EPA List N: Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19)external site icon following the manufacturer’s instructions on the label.

Unknown surfaces are dirty. Clean with detergent or soap and water before disinfecting. Safeguard From Virus

Monitor your health Every Day

  • Watch for symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other signs of COVID-19.

It is imperative to run essential errands, go to the office or workplace, and in environments where it may be not easy to maintain a physical distance of 6 feet.

  • Check your temperature if you have symptoms.

Safeguard From Virus, Do not check your temperature within 30 minutes of exercising or after taking medications that could lower your temperature, such as acetaminophen.