Meditation And Yoga

We show you some of the most popular ones to learn the differences and see which one can best suit you on this journey into yourself.

Meditation and yoga

Meditation and yoga are two different practices. Yoga is a millenary practice based on eight branches: The “8 branches of Yoga” or the “Path of the eight steps”. The seventh step, Dhyana, is meditation, the development of consciousness. The yogi focuses his attention in his interior, in himself, avoiding any external distraction of the senses.

Yoga is also a lifestyle and complete science of the mind, including yoga asanas or postures and other practices such as meditation. To reach the state of meditation (Dhyana), yoga remains based on relaxing the body, leaving the mind calm, breathing correctly, and controlling the prana or life force.

Zen meditation

Zen or Zazen meditation is a type of meditation linked to Buddhism. It remains based on the control of breathing and a strict body position. Body control along with breathing provides the serenity necessary to achieve unity of body, mind and spirit.

Likewise, The body position for Zen meditation is sitting on the floor, with the back straight, chin pointing to the ground, hands on the belly, and eyes open looking down.

You have to observe the breath, observing how the air enters when you breathe in and leaves during expiration. You do not have to modify the rhythm; just let it flow normally, being aware of it.

We let the thoughts appear and flow through our minds without trying to avoid them or cling to them.

Vipassana meditation

Vipassana meditation is a traditional form of meditation, which has its origins in India more than 2,500 years ago. It seeing things as they are, and it is a meditation technique that focuses on the here and now. Mindfulness stays based on this type of meditation. It aims to eliminate all mental impurities, eliminate suffering and achieve happiness.

This technique stands based on introspection and self-observation. To perform a vipassana meditation, we must get away from lies to observe the essence of our mind. As in other techniques, we must focus on our breathing. We must also keep our sensations, letting our ideas, thoughts and emotions flow, allowing them to flow without judging them. We will be witnesses of our interior, and with practice, we will be able to control it, avoid negative thoughts and control suffering.

Transcendental meditation

Transcendental meditation remains based on the repetition of mantras. The mantra’s mechanical repetition helps us concentrate, avoid distractions of the senses, and achieve a state of total relaxation. It is practised twice a day for 20 minutes, in a sitting position with the eyes closed.