Life After Addiction: If you are fighting addiction, this guide will help you see into your future. It’s one that is filled with hope and promise. It’s something where you get to tell the story to other people who are like you: struggling with addiction and looking for help.

If you are in need of help and need to be pointed in the right direction, find out more via the Epiphany Wellness homepage. It’s important that you make the right decision so you live to tell your story. Life after addiction is rewarding and fruitful.

Let’s talk about how you can be a success story for others so you can inspire them to do the same.

Follow through with your treatment plan

The first part of this is following through with your treatment plan. Whether you start with inpatient rehab or outpatient, it’s about how far along you were in your addiction. For example, if you were in the late stages or developed something serious like an opioid addiction, inpatient would be the better option.

That’s because inpatient rehab will allow you access to medical personnel and professionals 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You may also face withdrawal symptoms that may be a bit more serious. Because of the potential of them being severe, it’s a lot riskier to deal with them outside of an inpatient setting.

Not taking care of withdrawal symptoms properly can lead to serious issues and can be fatal. That’s why it is important to consider following a treatment plan as recommended by the medical professionals involved. They are looking out for you and are aware of your best interests in terms of recovery.

Become a part of someone’s support system

As you begin your own recovery process, you may find yourself meeting with people recovering from addiction. This is your opportunity to get to know them and become part of their support system. They can also do the same for you.

The stronger your support system is, the better. You can share your story with someone who may be dealing with the same struggles you are. There may be commonalities between you two.

Once you have both completed your treatment, you can keep in touch. You can share tips on how you’re both living life after addiction. This can include ideas for new hobbies, exercise routines, and a whole lot more.

Accept the fact that recovery isn’t easy

Recovery shouldn’t be sugar coated. As beneficial as it can be for recovering addicts, you want it to be known that it won’t be easy. You will have your good days and your bad days. 

As you tell your story, remind those recovering from addiction that nothing is easy. Let them know that no matter what the day brings, you are closer to defeating it. Remind them that the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter by the day.

People expect the recovery process from addiction to be easy. But that is not the case. If recovery was easy, every story about it would be the same. 

Everyone’s recovery story should be unique. Filled with the ups, downs, and crazy turns. Your own story will be heard by many.

It will inspire many people to keep on the path towards addiction. People will reach out to you one day, almost out of nowhere. They’ll tell you that your story about recovery will save their lives.

Don’t be afraid to share the most painful moments

While it may be a difficult thing to do, sharing your most painful moments about addiction is key. You’ll talk about the experiences you had when you hit rock bottom. You may feel ashamed and may feel like you shouldn’t share the details.

However, it’s up to you to be strong and share a part of your story that can be described as your dark moments. The good news is that people will open up to you as well about theirs. They trust you well enough to share it with you.

Remember that you are not alone. People may have suffered the same dark moments you have. People have experienced traumatic moments during their addiction.

They may have done things they might have regretted doing. But rest assured, you will feel better knowing you’ve told the painful moments of your addiction story.

And you’ll breathe a sigh of relief knowing that those moments are in the past and will stay that way. Sharing your darkest moments is not a sign of weakness, but of strength.

Give credit to those who have helped you

It’s always a good idea to mention the supporting people who are in your story. The medical professionals, therapists, family members, and more. Talk about how they have helped you during your struggle with addiction.

Talk about how they have helped you from day one go from getting the help you need to beating the addiction full stop. Let them know that there are important people in their corner that will root for them. Tell them that they have family members that are cheering them on from the sidelines.

Tell them that the supporting characters in their story will give them hope. And it gives them the confidence to go through with the recovery process and conquer addiction in the best way. Make sure that when they tell they’re own story to give credit to those that have helped them.

Final Thoughts

Life after addiction is possible. You can make sure that it will happen if you follow the tips above. This goes for following your addiction treatment plan right down to the letter.

There will be rough times and struggles. But you have it within you to change yourself for the better. When you get through your addiction treatment, you’ll look back knowing how much progress you have made.

Your story will inspire others to go through their own recovery. And you’ll feel better knowing that you will help others, even if you have never crossed paths with them.