As winter approaches, many of us will finally be able to return to the slopes for a long-awaited skiing vacation!

Injuries are too prevalent for skiers and snowboarders, with knee injuries being the most common. This article discusses how Physiotherapy can help you enjoy an injury-free skiing vacation, as well as some of the most extraordinary injury-prevention measures you can use before your trip.

Physiotherapy Can Assist with Skiing Injuries.

In the run-up to your skiing vacation, a physiotherapy exam is an excellent method to check your current fitness and identify any possible risk factors, such as muscular weakness, prior injuries, and your current training routine, to put up an injury prevention strategy.

If you hit the slopes and regrettably acquire an injury, the first rule is to have it evaluated! Most injuries are safe to continue exercising or skiing with, but some are not. Don’t risk not knowing which group you fall into without a thorough examination by a healthcare expert like Kitchener Physiotherapy.

Most injuries need simple self-management methods and guidance to allow you to continue your vacation safely, so don’t worry, but have it checked out!

Different types of skiing injuries Physiotherapy is beneficial for:

Skiing is often classified as an extreme activity, so it’s no surprise that it has a higher injury rate than other sports, and for a good reason. In general, few of us prepare our bodies for the enormous physical strain that skiing exerts on the body.

The following are some frequent skiing injuries and how Physiotherapy might help:

Sprain or Rupture of the Knee Ligament

The knee is the most often injured joint while skiing, accounting for about one-fourth of all ski-related injuries. Knee injuries are common in skiing due to the increased strain and stress exerted on the knee during twisting and rotation motions.

Focused Activity Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy can aid in the prevention and repair of knee ligament problems. Professional skiers devote a significant portion of their training time to balancing exercises and exercises to enhance their balance, coordination, and strength. Furthermore, since the muscles around the knee serve as auxiliary ligaments to increase support and stability, the stronger the musculature surrounding the knee, the better supported our joint becomes, lowering the chance of damage.

Sprain / Strain of the Shoulder

Falling is an inevitable aspect of skiing, particularly for beginners. When you’re going to fall, you almost instinctively extend your arms in front of you to stop your fall. After all, it’s preferable to falling on your face! However, the rapid acceleration of a fall causes an injury to the shoulder. A muscular strain is the mildest form of this injury, although a dislocated or broken shoulder is also possible.

Bottom Line

Physiotherapy is essential for regaining full strength, mobility, and flexibility after an accident, regardless of the origin of the ailment. Working with Kitchener Physiotherapy, you’ll give yourself the most excellent opportunity of returning to full shoulder function as soon as possible by concentrating on exercise rehabilitation, sports massage, acupuncture, and a variety of self-management strategies.