Meditate And Benefits Of Meditation

We give you some tips that will help you in your beginnings in meditation. You can try different techniques, postures, schedules, etc., until you are entirely comfortable. Above all, do not forget that the key to success is perseverance.

Find the right time and a quiet place You

How To Learn To Meditate And Benefits Of Meditation

Have to create the best possible conditions for the practice of meditation. Meditation is essential to find a quiet place where you feel comfortable and not be disturbed. It is necessary to be constant and meditate daily to develop the habit. It is advisable to always do it simultaneously, such as when we get up in the morning.

Make yourself Comfortable

Forget tight clothing, belts, watches, or anything else that might be annoying. Take off your shoes too. Sit correctly: with a straight but relaxed back. We can use a chair, a cushion or be on our knees. We don’t need to cross our legs. Remember that we must forget about our body while we meditate, and for this, it is essential to feel comfortable.


Once you are physically comfortable, you should relax. You can focus on an object if your eyes are open or your breathing if your eyes are closed. If you lose concentration during meditation, calmly restart the process you used to relax.

During meditation

Accept the thoughts that arise, let them flow and move on. We must remain immobile; At first, it can be uncomfortable, but it is essential to stay focused in the long run.

Add meditation to your daily habits

To progress, you must be constant and integrate meditation as another habit in your daily routine. With practice comes excellence, and you will get the physical and mental benefits of this ancient practice.

Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

There are a large number of studies that have shown the benefits that meditation has on us. The research remained carried out by Dr Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Her study has shown how meditation can transform brain areas closely related to emotions, memory, learning or empathy.

Meditation has benefits on a spiritual, physical and mental level. Among the most notable are the following:

  1. Decreases stress and anxiety levels
  2. Helping to enter a calm state improves mental well-being and reduces cortisol levels, the primary stress hormone.
  3. Improve our immune system
  4. And therefore, our health in general. In addition, it mitigates the problems associated with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases by reducing blood pressure.
  5. Generate a more positive attitude

By stimulating positivity, it helps to face life with a healthier perspective, face challenges from a calmer, more stable outlook, and promote personal growth.

 Influences our brain structure

As mentioned above, it transforms areas of our brain, stimulating the production of neurotransmitters related to relaxation, memory, etc. In addition, it reduces the volume of the brain amygdala, closely related to fear.

 Increase knowledge about ourselves

Recognizing our own emotions and how we feel at each moment of our life generates self-confidence and can grow internally.

 Relieves muscle tension

By introducing meditation in daily life, progressive relief and relaxation of the muscles remain achieved, eliminating tension and possible pain.

 Solve insomnia problems

Improves the quality of sleep, allowing a deeper and more restful rest.

 Improve our relationships

When we feel good about ourselves, we give our best version in all aspects of life. Through meditation, we will feel happier, and a more incredible feeling of empathy and understanding with the people around us will be born, thus developing emotional intelligence.