Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by: A. The planning section chief B. The operations section chief C. The incident commander or Unified Command D. The agency administrator 8. What functional area of ICS did you establish

Incident objectives that drive incident operations remainestablished by: Incident Commander or Unified Command.

Management by Objectives

Incidents remain managed through objectives. The objectives are communicated throughout the ICS organization through the Incident Action Planning Process.

The Incident Commander sets the objectives that drive incident operations.

Management by objectives includes the following:

  • Setting specific and measurable goals
  • Identify strategies, tactics, tasks and activities to achieve objectives
  • Develop and issue assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols for various incident management functional elements to accomplish identified tasks.
  • Document results against objectives to measure performance, facilitate corrective action, and inform the development of incident objectives for the subsequent operational period.

Incident objectives operations are established by:

  1. Head of the planning section
  2. Chief of the Operations Section
  3. Incident Commander or Unified Command
  4. Agency Administrator


Incident Commander or Unified Commander


The Incident Commander or Unified Commander remain a group of people empowered by the United States government to take control of the responses to be made to agreement with any type of major incident.

To fulfill their duty, they often recruited local people to help with their operations. Before allowing the local population to assist, they will explain the objectives of the incident and the reasons for their operations to the local population to ensure that the objectives are met.

The Incident Commander or Unified Command established the incident objectives that drive incident operations. The Incident Command System/Unified Command (ICS/UC) is an effective instrument for managing all incidents of emergency situations, and the UC is a necessary tool for managing multi-jurisdictional responses to oil spills or hazardous material releases.


ICS is a standard on-scene incident management concept specifically designed to enable emergency services to adopt an integrated organizational structure that meets the complexity and requirements of each or multiple incidents without remain hampered by jurisdictional boundaries. Understanding the concept of ICS/UC is equally important for local first responders, who generally arrive first and are therefore more likely to apply a management system, as is the case with state and federal organizations that may join ICS /uc.

UC-operated ICS has remain used to manage local, state, and federal responses to complex, multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional incidents. The following list is a list of ICS/UC benefits:

  • Uses a receptive culture and a common language;
  • Optimize joint efforts;
  • Eliminate duplication of efforts;
  • Build a unique command post;
  • Enables collective agreements for operations, planning, logistics and financial operations;
  • Promotes a collaborative environment;
  • Enables shared facilities, maximizes efficiency, reduces response costs, and minimizes communication disruption; and
  • Allow responders to develop and apply a consolidated IAP.

The ICS/UC structure assigns roles and responsibilities, reducing the risk of conflict and increasing the flow of information between all participating organizations. ICS maintains its sectional organization so that the benefits of ICS are not lost with the introduction of UC.


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