Mental Health

Mental health is a fundamental component of a person’s healthy – being and quality of life. Hence, it is essential to take care of it to prevent mental disorders, and that affected people have access to adequate treatments.

Mental Health, There are several types of disorders. Some are punctual. The most common are schizophrenia, personality disorders, and mood disorders. Therefore, depression and anxiety are considered mental disorders. The first affects 300 million people around the world. The second, to 260 million.

The WHO has also recognized burnout syndrome as a mental disorder. This classification will enter into force on January 1, 2022. This body also ensures that 25% of people will suffer from some disease throughout their lives. These figures indicate that no one is free from suffering from some mental illness.

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What can we do to Take Care of Our Mental Health?

That means that we all must always take care of our mental health. Doing it properly determination helps us cope with stressful situations, be physically well, relate healthily with others, or be productive, among other essential aspects of life.

Do you want to take care of your mental health? You can start by putting these tips into practice:

  • Always follow a routine, respecting meal and sleep schedules.
  • Exercise, if possible, three times a week. Sport helps to secrete hormones that provide a feeling of well-being, such as serotonin and endorphins. Plus, it’s a great way to place your worries aside.
  • Spend time on your hobbies. Taking part in a creative activity that you enjoy can improve your mental health. There are many things you can do, such as participating in sports or reading something interesting. It all depends on your preferences. If you’re a fan of reading, you can try reading interesting real-life stories on The Doe, for example.
  • Take care of your diet, prioritizing the consumption of foods rich in fiber, vegetables, and fruit. Those that provide tryptophan are excellent for mental health, as this substance promotes the production of serotonin. You will find this amino acid in oats, berries, almonds, chickpeas, or spinach. Dark chocolate will also help you relax. Instead, avoid eating fat and sugar.
  • Practice relaxation techniques and meditate.
  • Set realistic goals to help you focus your life.
  • Maintain social contact with your family and friends.
  • If something worries you, don’t keep it for yourself. Please share it with someone you trust or with a professional.
  • Stimulate your brain through activities or games that require concentration. Chess, crosswords or mandalas are good entertainment that will take care of your mental health.

Factors that can Affect Mental Health

However, taking care of mental health is not always enough to avoid disorders, especially if we consider that some of the causes are biological (alterations in brain chemistry or genetic predisposition, for example).

Family history, trauma, abuse or the use of narcotic substances are other determining factors.

Today you may be magnificent, but tomorrow you will go through a difficult situation that affects your mental health. You will know that something is wrong if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Sleep disorders.
  • Lack of energy.
  • Wanting to be alone.
  • Stop doing the things you like.
  • Noticing aches or pains for which you cannot find an explanation.
  • Be confused.

Have sudden mood swings.

Being unable to perform everyday tasks.

Feeling the need to hurt yourself or someone else.

However, having a mental health problem doesn’t have to be long-lasting. There are effective medications. It is also helpful to have professional support. With good treatment, it is possible to achieve an acceptable quality of life.

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