When you are caring for somebody who has dementia, it can be exceedingly difficult.

Dementia affects more than just memory and impacts how the person feels, how they interpret the world, and their relationships with their families and friends.

Even if your elderly loved one has only just begun to show the signs of dementia, there are steps that you can take to help them manage this condition and reduce the symptoms that can come with it.

However, you should always be in contact with the doctor or dementia nurse to get regular advice and health checks for your elderly relative.

This article will show you the best ways you can help an elderly loved one who has been diagnosed with dementia.


Technology has excelled in helping people who have dementia to cope, and it can be worth setting reminders or prompts on smartphones or AI devices, like Alexa, to help your loved one manage their time better and remind them when they need to attend appointments, and so on. It is also worth preparing decisions in advance, such as a power of attorney and choosing an assisted living Austin TX facility for them to move to should they deteriorate.


Social Support

It’s important for those who have dementia not to be isolated, as this can speed up the progression of the disorder. Try to make sure that your elderly loved one can get out and about to meet other people who may have the same diagnosis as them, to help them make new friends, and to reignite their social skills. It’s also important for you as a carer or family member who is caring for them to seek help for yourself from your family and friends, so you do not become isolated either.

Emotional Help

People who have dementia may become upset easier than they did before their diagnosis or symptoms began to show, so it’s worth investing some time into developing your skills relating to emotional help. Try to use humor to help them get through difficult times and focus on positive aspects.

Health Improvement 

Physical health is exceedingly important when you get older, and if your loved one has dementia, it is even more important that they maintain a healthy diet, as this can slow the disease down. So, aim to help them cut down on alcohol and smoking and try to encourage them to eat a varied and balanced diet. If they’re having problems with cooking, try to help them as best you can.

Know When to Ask for Help

There may come a time for even the most dedicated of carers when caring becomes too much for them to handle. So, for the health and safety of your elderly relative and yourself, you will need to know how and where to go for help. This may be from a doctor, other family members, or even specialized care. If you feel that it is no longer possible to support your elderly loved one at home as it is taking too much time, they are becoming unmanageable, or their physical health needs outstrip what you can provide for them, please seek help as soon as you can.