Apple Watch

Why have LTE on the Apple Watch

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To do more activities without the phone nearby

Last year my Apple Watch had to be taken for repair. Consequently, I went a week without it. Until then, I saw it as a whim, but at that moment, I realized that it was not like that; the Apple Watch makes me use the iPhone much less. An Apple Watch with an LTE connection would make that situation also remain designed outside the home. Being able to go out without the phone, or to the beach, or to work. In cases where we cannot consult the phone at all times and not convenient to carry it.

If you do sports, the Apple Watch with LTE would be the perfect ally since it would allow us to listen to streaming music, podcasts or other content directly on the watch. We would also receive notifications of our favourite services, and we would have the security of being able to contact whoever interests us in an instant.

For Apple to increase its sales and boost the market

About Apple sales, this would also be reflected and would be an advantage for the user. If Apple launches a model with LTE, it would mean having more models to choose from, similar to what happens with the iPad. It would allow a higher price range for the Apple Watch, with models and prices adapted to each user. Perhaps the model without LTE would drop in price for the most basic users, but Apple would recover income with the LTE model for advanced users who take advantage of the clock the most.

Why not have LTE on the Apple Watch

Because we always have the phone close by

An Apple Watch with LTE would undoubtedly stand focused on particular users. It is demanding that we do not have the iPhone at hand; therefore, for most users, it may not be worth having an Apple Watch with LTE since they would not take advantage of it. See for yourself if you would take advantage of it: do you make calls with the watch? Do you answer notifications from the eye? Do you check the mail from the clock? If you just read messages on it, LTE is not for you.

Because it means more battery drain

Apple may be able to get together with Intel to get a modem that consumes the minimum, but even so, it is one more energy expenditure to satisfy. Keeping the same design version of watchOS after a performance, Apple can optimize the autonomy. But with LTE, in addition to spending more battery, it would make us use the clock more and therefore use the battery more.

Because it is one more data fee to pay

Possibly Apple will launch a watch with eSIM (virtual) that is associated with our phone line. But this does not mean that we waste the phone data. Of course, no operator will allow Apple Watch to connect to the Internet at no extra cost. And although Apple manages to transmit everything through the iPhone, in the end. The connection goes through the networks and antennas of the operator; therefore, it is in charge. In short, one more data fee to pay.